The ultimate AI tool to make decisions in the music industry.
Reduce uncertainty by knowing the most valuable data about your next concert.

Trusted by +30 companies so far
Past, present and future insights of your concert.
Analyze, compare and predict the insights needed to make the best decision.
We search for similar concerts within our +15.000 live shows database and match the most similar ones.

Analyze valuable information about your future gig before you make a decision.
Promoter, booker, manager or venue, if you want to organize and predict the success of your event, this is your platform.
Promoters / Bookers
Plan your concert taking into account valuable information about price, capacity and venues.
Set up a tour routing knowing in which provinces your artist would work best.
Artists / MGM agencies
Monitor and analyze your past, present and future concerts.
Compare the provinces where your artists concerts would work best.
Check that your venue is the best option for your next concert.
Find out what type of artist works best live in your province.
Plan your concert taking into account valuable information about price, capacity and venues.
Set up a tour routing knowing in which provinces your artist would work best.
Monitor and analyze your past, present and future concerts.
Compare the provinces where your artists concerts would work best.
Check that your venue is the best option for your next concert.
Find out what type of artist works best live in your province.
“There’s something about live music that you can’t replicate anywhere else. It’s energy and a feeling.”
– Billie Eilish –
Loved by music and culture industry.
We are very pleased with all the love and kind comments we have already received from important names in the music industry and the media.
There always has to be a decision maker because in the end intuition is impossible to replace with numbers. In music there are emotions. We are a source of data.
El ConfidencialLink to articleBreakevent's platform is the only one specialized in live music. And this differentiates them in that they do not analyze the trends of the artists, but rather that the fans are willing to go to the concert.
El ReferenteLink to article
One of the biggest problems in the live music industry, according to CEO Lucía Martínez Prado, is that artists are not sure that their concerts will be sold out. That's where Breakevent comes in.
Cadena SerLink to articleStreaming was born because there was a very big piracy problem. There they had to innovate and look for other business models. Nothing serious ever happened with live music until the pandemic arrived. Now is the best time to bet on these ideas.
Economía 3Link to article
Breakevent mainly seeks to help the music industry grow and make wise decisions thanks to their platform.
El EspañolLink to articleWhat the platform does is not a replacement, firstly, because there is no predictive model that is 100% correct, and secondly, because the intuition part must be maintained. This is mathematics, and it should not replace smell and experience.
RetinaLink to article
There always has to be a decision maker because in the end intuition is impossible to replace with numbers. In music there are emotions. We are a source of data.
El ConfidencialLink to article
One of the biggest problems in the live music industry, according to CEO Lucía Martínez Prado, is that artists are not sure that their concerts will be sold out. That's where Breakevent comes in.
Cadena SerLink to article
Breakevent mainly seeks to help the music industry grow and make wise decisions thanks to their platform.
El EspañolLink to article
Breakevent's platform is the only one specialized in live music. And this differentiates them in that they do not analyze the trends of the artists, but rather that the fans are willing to go to the concert.
El ReferenteLink to article
Streaming was born because there was a very big piracy problem. There they had to innovate and look for other business models. Nothing serious ever happened with live music until the pandemic arrived. Now is the best time to bet on these ideas.
Economía 3Link to article
What the platform does is not a replacement, firstly, because there is no predictive model that is 100% correct, and secondly, because the intuition part must be maintained. This is mathematics, and it should not replace smell and experience.
RetinaLink to article
Simple pricing for everyone.
It doesn't matter what size your company is, from 1 to +50 people, our software works well for you.
Personalized Plan
Tailored pricing to perfectly fit your company's unique needs.
- Statistical and predictive analysis for your next concert
- Ticket price and capacity statistics of similar events
- Ticket price and capacity suggestions from our AI model (p/ai)
- The largest database of music events in Spain (+15.000)
- Database of +1.500 venues in Spain
- Genre and popularity explorer by Spanish provinces
- Artist recommendations by genre, popularity and province
- Daily ticketing sales monitoring
- Notification and reporting service
- Specialized customer service
Try our platform
Contact us by filling the form below, and we get back to you in less than three days (or probably just a few hours).

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Find quick answers to your most common questions here.
Why choose Breakevent?
Our goal is to empower you by providing you with valuable information to help you in your decision making, together with your intuition and experience. Our team has over 25 years of experience in some of the largest companies in the music industry.
How could Breakevent help me?
In our analysis, we provide a lot of relevant historical information, such as ticket prices and capacity averages for an artist. In addition, we use our AI predictive model (p/ai) to suggest prices, capacities, venues and the success projection for your event.
What makes Beakevent unique?
We analyze music events. We've created the largest Spanish concert database for music industry professionals (it keeps growing...). We use it to give insights about similar events, and train our own AI model (p/ai), to give personalized recommendations